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1-25-13 Friday Video Announcements

-Advance Placement
-Culinary Café Rules


Advanced Manufacturing Career Pathways

The Advanced Manufacturing pathway contains jobs that involve turning raw materials into final products that are sold to buyers. Manufacturing work refers not only to the people who make the products, but many people in management, engineering, design, and other areas. Manufacturing workers come up with product ideas, test products to make sure they are assembled properly, and manage the shipment and receipt of manufactured goods. This Career Cluster® is focused on planning, managing, and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning and control, maintenance and manufacturing, and process engineering.


SchoolMessenger - Advance Training Guide

The intent of this training guide is to equip those familiar and comfortable with the features reviewed in the Getting Started training guide with information on additional features. This guide is not intended to cover every feature of the product. More advanced system features are spotlighted along with references to the online help section where they are covered in greater depth